Imagine being able to effectively and unconsciously influence others to do business with you! How would you like to make use of the psychological secrets of persuasion that only top advertising psychologists know (and employ on you every day)? What guarantees that you do the things you do and buy the things you purchase? How many gadgets, diets, or pieces of exercise equipment do you have in your house that you don’t use but you thought were essential at the time? Perhaps you have a Time Life collection, or a hard-to-use time share? Why did you do, buy or get such things? The secret power of psychological influence. (Just how does the Nike Swoosh impact buying patterns?)

Do you know there are five major Personality Drivers that cause you to act and react the way you do? In addition, advertising psychologists tap the six extremely powerful Universal Patterns of Influence that unconsciously effect everybody’s decision process. They know the 15 most influential words that when employed properly, guarantee to sell.

On the other side, what is the value for you to know the words, patterns and even colors that drive business away? Did you know that just using the word “should,” as in, “Who should get/use this product or service,” will lower your positive response potential by 40 to 60 percent? (When is the last time you did one of your “shoulds” unless you were backed into a corner?) Imagine how valuable this little piece of information is that we just gave to you.

Because you want your business and web site to make you more successful, for a limited time we have access to a Behavioral Scientist that will edit your materials and your web site for maximum psychological impact. Companies have paid him tens of thousands of dollars for his services. For example, Schering-Plough International contracted with him to model the world’s best Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives (Drug Reps – PSRs) to learn their successful sales strategies and to put those strategies into a training program for 10,000 international PSRs. By special arrangement, his expertise can now be available to help you succeed to the next level. With his scarce and invaluable skills applied to your project, you won’t have to worry about the impact of your marketing campaign. So whether you want to attain certain goals or avoid pitfalls and failures, I wonder whether you will contact us now, while this scarce and coveted resource is available.