When consulting on advertising I often get asked what the offer should be to get the maximum amount of calls.  Here are a few things to consider.

The more pain the better.  Give as much as you can to get a new customer.  Then once you got them you will re-market to them over and over (if you know how).  Don’t worry if the offer is just allowing you to break even, since in most cases the lifetime value of a customer is longer then the first sale so you’ll make it back on the second, third, fourth, sale.  That will also force you to stay in contact with the customer.

Don’t use a percentage off all services.  Using a percentage (10% off) is problematic at best as most people will not calculate on the fly and we don’t want them to have to do something before they contact you anyway.  In most cases they are thinking “off what”? Do you respond to those types of ads?  Many don’t, so it’s better to give them a dollar amount. $50.00 off is much easier for people to understand what exactly they’re getting. Also, use as much copy as you need to describe the offer fully. People want information, that is the reason they are reading the piece, so give it to them.  Statistically it’s always better to have more copy then less.  Then have a strong call to action.  Call today.  Supplies are limited so call now. etc.

In addition to the offer there are many other things to consider.  Use people in your ads as people relate to people.  If most of your customers are seniors then do not use young people in the ad.  Also, keep your logo at the bottom.  Don’t waste valuable space with a huge logo.  Remember no one cares who you are they only care what’s in it for them. And make sure you use a strong headline as the best headlines describe the offer.

Let me know when this helps.

Happy Thanksgiving!